An international competition open to all doctoral students of any university in the world.
Make a team of 2 – 3 students and take part in the competition!

The contestants task is to design and build a model from the materials provided by the organizer on the day of the competition. The model must meet the specified geometric and structural requirements.

Please refer to the rules for the exact assignment.

The competition is announced in the category of models assembled at the competition venue. The evaluation criterion in the competition is the model´s effectiveness, i.e. the ratio between the model’s load-bearing capacity and weight.

The competition days will take place at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague on 9. 4. 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to  9:30 p.m. The models will be exposed to a load tests there.  

The Hall of the Year Academic competition is held under the patronage of the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague, prof. Ing. Jiří Máca, CSc., and The Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians

The professional guarantor of the competition in the Department of Architectural Engineering.

This year’s task is the production of a model of a conveyor belt support structure. The assignment is specified in detail in the competition rules.

The registration of competing teams is open until 31st March 2023 at 12:00

The competition day finals will take place at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague on 19. 4. 2023. The models will be exposed to a load test there.  

This year’s task will be the production of a model of a conveyor belt support structure. The assignment will be specified in detail in the competition rules. We will publish the rules on 1st February 2023. The registration will open on the same day.

The competition day finals will take place at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague on 19. 4. 2023. The models will be exposed to a load test there.  

An international competition open to students of technical universities in Bachelors and Master’s degree studies.
Make a team of 2 – 3 students

Yout task is to design a model of a structure following the assignment instructions, build the model in home, and subsequently load it up to the point of collapse during the finals held at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague. The model must comply with the assigned structural and weight limits, as well as the time set for the load test. The final ranking of the models reflects the effectiveness of the model, i.e. the ratio between the total load capacity of the model and its own weight.


21. 1. 2025 – publication of rules

from 21. 1. 2025 – forming teams

31. 1. 2025 (12:00) – start of registration

17. 3. 2025 (12:00) – end of registration

21. 1. – 26. 3. 2025 (12:00) – questions related to the rules

9. 4. 2025 – competition day (load tests)

An international competition open to all doctoral students of any university in the world. 2 – 3-member teams participate in the competition.

Their task is to design a model of a structure following the assignment instructions, build the model at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague, and subsequently load it up to the point of collapse during the finals held also at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU. The model must comply with the assigned structural and weight limits, as well as the time set for the load test. The final ranking of the models reflects the effectiveness of the model, i.e. the ratio between the total load capacity of the model and its own weight.

The competition will take place on 10. – 11. 4. 2024. The models will be exposed to a load test in the morning of 11. 4. 2024.

The Hall of the Year Academic competition is held under the patronage of the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague, prof. Ing. Jiří Máca, CSc., and The Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians

The professional guarantor of the competition in the Department of Architectural Engineering.


Soutěž Hala roku vznikla v roce 1986. Soutěž byla původně určena pro studenty Fakulty stavební ČVUT, později byla otevřena i pro studenty ostatních vysokých škol technického zaměření. Od roku 2007 soutěží ve speciální kategorii Junior i studenti středních škol. V roce 2023 je nově vyhlášena i kategorie Advanced určená pro studenty doktorského studia.

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